> Summary Overview <
Now there are two Dynamical Modes of Order Creation
Since the mid-20th Century, scientific
study in the fields of nonlinear dynamics, chaos, complexity, complex
systems and networks has revealed unexpected ways that Nature creates
order . These are ways that thing happen which generate unpredictable
and even purposeful order creation. That is a big problem for a culture
that has defined reality in terms of the predictably deterministic,
purposeless dynamics of mechanical physics. The implications of this
science are profound. They present us with a new scientific story of
how the forms and functions of Nature come into being.
The Standard Story of Science
Proportional, predictably deterministic ordering: Of Course!
The New Story of Science
Disproportional, unpredictably deterministic ordering: What is that???
Not all dynamical events are the
same. Some are linear thus always predictable. Some are nonlinear thus
not always predictable. Both can be described, but the effects of
nonlinear dynamics cannot always be predicted--even though they produce
effects in a deterministic manner. This difference turns out to be
Linear and nonlinear dynamics tell contrasting tales of Nature
A difference in how things happen that leads to different ways order gets created:

The unpredictable yet deterministic
effects of nonlinear dynamical relationships facilitate the
disproportional order creation of emergent properties--effects that
cannot be fully traced back to the proceeding factors from which these
arose--or "emerged." This emergence of phenomena that cannot be fully
explained leads to the formation of complex systems, whose parts
interact interdependently, generating emergent operational networks
that are "more than the sum of the system's parts." These
networks are shown to regulate the systems from which they emerge by
influencing the behavior of those systems in return. This system / network self-organization is not only
unpredictably emergent, it can be autonomously willful, causing a
system to change in ways that sustain its operations by adapting them
to changes in its environment.
The emergence of adaptive network behavior
Complexity's interdependent dynamics can produce self-organization
that can sustain and adapt itself by feeding back into those dynamics:
Complex adaptive systems, from species
and ecologies to societies and economies, make decisions about how to
"behave" in adaptive ways. That means they effectively self-animate.
They generate, sustain, and adapt the ordering of their forms and
functions. This emergent self-animation of complex systems generates
most of the order we are and see around us. This view constitutes a new
scientific story of order creation in Nature. And it is a story that
resembles those told by the mythological imagination, in which the
world is animated by autonomous spirits--animating agents that are not
the same as the things they animate.
The science of mytho-logical symbolism
Emergent autonomous networks animate the world like spirits and gods:
Scientific Method has contradicted our Modern Worldview
are confronted with aspects of order creation in Nature that are not a
part of our modernist view of reality. Our basic concept of how things
happen, in a predictably mechanistic and fully quantifiable manner, has
been challenged by the very scientific method that created that
concept. To be genuinely scientific, we
must now accommodate our sense of reality to include the unpredictable
but not random order creation of complexity and the purposeful autonomy
of complex system networks.
To Know More Dive Down |
Contents Below with Links:
The New Story of Science
Science has betrayed our Cultural Worldview—once again—
but his time the very one it helped to create
What Is Science?
Science is defined as “the intellectual and
activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and
behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and
experiment.” It is a method of knowing reality in terms of
objectively verifiable facts. Following this method, things and events
are real because we can specify objective evidence for their existence.
As a particular analytical method, it
relies upon quantification, calculation, and logical consistency to
reduce natural phenomena to specifiable components and factors. This
reduction to elemental factors and components makes it possible to
identify their relationships with each other. That provides factual
descriptions that can explain more complicated forms and events by
revealing the causal effects of those relationships. From that
knowledge we propose
hypotheses about how the world works that can be experimentally
tested for their predictive accuracy, making possible reliably
explanatory theories. Thus scientific facts are objectively confirmed
evidence of how things are and happen, the validity of which is derived
from the
empirical verifications of quantification, calculation, and
experimental testing. By way of this methodology, science “tells a
story” about what exists and how. It allows us to create narratives of
how things are put together and how events happen as sequences of
actions and reactions. So long as phenomena can be reduced to elemental
factors whose effects on each other can be specified and sequenced then
a logically explanatory narrative can be provided.
However, there is no basis in this methodology
for assuming that it can either describe or explain all natural
phenomena. There is no intrinsic basis in science as an analytical method for assuming that what it can
factually describe in objective terms can necessarily be causally
explained in and by the terms of its reductive method. It is conceivable
that there can be scientific facts that would not have complete, reductive
scientific explanations. To claim that all natural phenomena must be
fully describable and explainable by scientific method is not a
genuinely scientific intellectual assumption.
Nonetheless, there is a dominant belief in modern
culture that all natural phenomena can and will be reduced to the
physical properties of matter and energy, as detailed by the
predictably deterministic Laws of Physics. This attitude presumes
that any validated scientific evidence or facts about natural phenomena
which are not currently explainable by the Laws of Physics will
necessarily be so explained in the future. But the actual practice of
scientific method as investigation of what exits and how, is not
subordinated to these assumptions. Research continues to produce
and as yet unexplained evidence.
Such evidence has been encountered in
physics with the discovery of the phenomena such as "dark matter” and
“dark energy,” evidence for which is causing physicists to reconsider
their existing cosmological theories. Another instance is in study of
nonlinear dynamics of complexity and complex adaptive
systems, particularly in the field of biology. Here, there has been
objective validation of
the phenomena of unpredictably occurring “emergent properties,” such as
“self-organizing system networks.” This is a particularly troubling
example of “as yet unexplained” phenomena. The evidence for it presents
doubts about whether it can be
fully described or explained, because the events involved cannot be
fully identified and sequenced, thus not logically narrated by fully
explanatory theories.
The Stories of Science
In understanding the role of scientific method
in modern culture it is helpful to think of science as having various
“stories.” The objectively descriptive and explanatory narrative
story it
tells about reality is neither fully consistent nor complete. There are
various areas of validated scientific fact that cannot be logically or
theoretically unified, such as discrepancies between classical and
quantum physics—there are, in fact, conflicting scientific stories.
And these have been continually changing throughout the modern era as
additional objective facts are discovered that cause theories to be
revised or entirely new ones invented to explain the facts.Thus what is
judged to be scientific fact and validated theory have undergone many
logically inconsistent transformations--what has been thought of as the
disjunctive discontinuity of scientific revolutions. Scientific
method has begotten many very different descriptive and explanatory
stories, and continues to so—it has not proceeded in a logically
consistent manner from one stage of understanding to the next. But
science as a method is necessarily a part of culture and culture has
its own purposes for how scientific knowledge is to be defined and
used. So there are scientific narratives about reality and then there
are cultural stories about how the scientific ones are to be regarded.
Taken together, we can consider the historical story that involves both.
The Historical Story: Over the last few hundred years, the story science has been used to tell about reality, its description and
explanations of natural phenomena, has been profoundly unstable, with
succeeding versions often differing significantly from preceding ones.
Philosophical conceptions regarding science have involved conflict about
whether it is literally “knowledge of Nature” or a some ways useful
modeling of natural phenomena; of whether and when it has been a
professionalized social cadre operating to privilege its version of
scientific knowledge versus a “pure” methodological practice open to
radical change; of whether it can or cannot provide any moral or
ethical parameters for society, or should or should not be constrained
by social values; and of whether it is or is not intrinsically in
conflict with religious concepts of reality
The Normative Story: The story told about science by society,
through its scientific and educational institutions, often appears
quite different from that of its history. This “cultural story” tends
to represent science as a coherently unified, progressively logical
process of factual description and theoretical explanation that will
inevitably lead to “complete knowledge of Nature.” Thus this story
often has the quality of “idolatry” in that it regards reductionist
method as the only means of attaining valid knowledge and dogmatically
insists on its exclusive claim to absolute truth: reality can only be
described and will be completely explained through scientific
reduction. This cultural story, with its tendency to deny validity to
any non-scientifically derived knowledge, such as that of philosophy,
art, or religion, is not derived from any fundamental aspects of
scientific method itself. (To be fair, this antipathy to religious
knowledge does have a reasonably understandable historical impetus,
however, in that it derives from a intellectual reaction against the
social violence and intolerance associated with the religiously
inspired warfare of the 16th and 17th centuries in Europe, and similar
events since then.)
Just as the cultural story of normative
reality once generated by the Roman Catholic Church insisted on the
subordination of reason to the service of doctrinal religious faith or
belief, so the normative view of our contemporary secular “scientism”
tends to subordinate scientific knowledge to the substantiation of a
belief in an exclusively mechanistic, fully quantifiable, thus causally
explainable reality.
The Culturally Subversive Story :
Since scientific method itself is not actually constrained by such
cultural beliefs, its genuine practitioners have “followed where it
leads,” leading to the discontinuous transformations in its evolving
“story of Nature.” Scientific method is not in itself concerned
with belief, cultural norms, or sustaining factually unsupportable
theories. Thus its practice has resulted in underminig both scientific theories and various historical
cultural perspectives on reality that turned out to lack a valid scientific basis.
Scientific method has repeatedly proved to be intrinsically subversive
of normative cultural beliefs. It has in turns destabilized such
central cultural notions as the earth being the center of the universe
(with the Copernican revolution in astronomy), those of human
exceptionalism in nature and religious belief in the Bible (with
Darwinian evolution), the hierarchically ordered Victorian worldview
which was supported by classical physics (with Einstein and then the
un-reconcilable dynamics of subatomic quantum mechanics), the
humanistic ideal of individual autonomy (with genetic determinism and a
computational model of consciousness), and now it is putting into
question the resulting normative worldview of mechanistic physicalism
by presenting evidence that is incompatible with it.
The Newest Scientific Story of Nature
The cascade of scientific discoveries and
consequent creation of new explanatory theories just since the
turn of the 21st century has been astonishing. But in so far as there
is a genuinely new story of reality, rather than more and different
variations on a Nature ultimately explainable by the laws of physics,
we must turn to an area of scientific research unfamiliar to most of
us. Mostly since the
1950s, with some antecedent work, and increasingly since the 1970s,
study of complex dynamical systems has provided remarkable new
insights. Principle among these is evidence for order
creation in Nature that is confounding to our dominant, physics-based
worldview. This research involves distinctions between what are termed
linear dynamics, being predictably consistent and proportional actions,
and nonlinear dynamics, which involve unpredictable and disproportional
actions. This evidence has derived from various areas of study, from
the analyisis of weather systems to biological, ecological, social, and
computational systems. Understanding of the dynamics of these systems
has been profoundly
expanded by hew mathematical modeling of the networks of relationships
manifesting between system parts, particulary
in the 1990s and after.
That research has made the operations of
complex systems both more comprehensible and more
mysterious. The new concepts about system networks have stunning
implications. Indeed, any fervent secular modernist must practice
profound skeptical restraint when considering this evidence. We have to
hold fast to an unbiased trust in scientific method, while putting
aside our cultural beliefs about how that method defines reality. The
science and math involved are daunting to the non-specialist. But some
general implications can be considered to illustrate the conundrum it
presents to our current view of how things are and come to be.
The Strange dynamics of Order Creation in Chaos and Complexity
This work is generally associated with the
scientifically defined terms of chaos and complexity. These terms
refer to dynamical activity in which new forms of organization arise
from disorderly conditions and in unpredictable ways, producing what
are termed “emergent properties." The term emergence is used to
indicate how forms, activities, and effects come into
existence in a disproportional manner. Emergent phenomena have traits
that are not
consistent with the preceding conditions from which they spontaneously
arise--or emerge. Emergent properties can be described and typically
quantified, but the exact path of their causation from preceding
conditions is not fully determinable.
Most significantly, this
unpredictable creation of new forms and effects is not a random event
but a deterministic one. It is common, even central to the creation of
most of the forms and functions of the biosphere. It derives from what
is termed a nonlinear relationship between the events and effects that
produce it. Linear dynamical relationships produce predictably
deterministic effects. Nonlinear dynamical relationships can produce
unpredictable yet still deterministic effects, and do so in ways that
cannot be fully described.
Linear versus nonlinear dynamical relationships
A difference in how things happen that leads to different ways order gets created:
Scientific chaos is a dynamical condition involving disorganized
turbulent activity, expressing nonlinear relationships, that produces emergent properties of orderly form,
such as whirl pools in
rivers. The disordered turbulence of flows in liquids
can generate well
ordered patterns that cannot be predicted. But these are not accidents.
It is shown that disordered dynamics are
determining the creation of ordered ones in a nonrandom manner. A mode
or order creation that is not fully predictable or explainable.
Such disorderly but nonrandom generation of more ordered phenomena is
found throughout Nature, from weather to stock markets. This is not the
story of cause and effect we have come to presume explains all of
Order out of disorder
Emergent order creation in the chaotic dynamics of fluids:
Scientific complexity is a dynamical condition that amplifies the
emergent order creation of chaos. It involves a partly
inconsistent activity that not
only produces increased organization of forms and activities but can
also maintain these over time. It generates unpredictable emergent
properties that it subsequently sustains in an on-going process of
emergent self-organization. It can even do this in spite of
disruptions occurring within it and outside of it in the surrounding
environment, such as in the way a body regulates its order despite
infections. This unpredictably order creating, order maintaining
activity defines
what are termed complex adaptive systems. It this way it adapts its
self-generated ordering in ways that sustain its general form over
time. Such systems are now known to comprise most
of the natural systems that constitute the biosphere, from single cell
micro-organisms to entire ecologies and even human systems like social
groups and economies.
The degree of order in dynamical events is
represented at as a spectrum, with static order at one extreme and pure
randomness at the other. It is between these two extremes that the
disorderly ordering of chaos and complexity are posed. Increasing
disorder leads first to the deterministic but unpredictable ordering of
complex dynamics, which can generate self-organizing criticality.
Beyond that, the increasing disorder of chaos can still generate more
ordered forms but these lack self-organizing effects. At the far
extreme of randomness, there is no deterministic order creation. The
boundary between complex and chaotic dynamics is often referred to as
"the edge of chaos."
Conceiving the range of order creating dynamics
From static continuity to predictable change, then the unpredictably emergent order and
sustainable self-organization of complexity, followed by the unpredictably emergent
but not-self-sustaining ordering of chaos, and non-deterministic randomness:
Most of the forms and functions around us arise from the unpredictable
creativity of complex dynamics--with their ability to sustain order over time:
range of dynamical activity characterized by complexity
associates with the greatest degree of new order creation that can
become self-sustaining. This is considered deterministic order, in
contrast to
random, but it is unpredictably emergent, not predictably
deterministic, as in the state of uniform order on the far left of the
spectrum. The boundary between complexity and chaos, at the extreme of
complexity, is the zone of complexity's maximum potential for
self-organizing effects. The pronounced degree of instability involved
here enables an existing state of organization to shift into a new
one, though at the risk of collapsing into chaotic dynamics. This
is a very different view of how things come into being and are
sustained then one in which there exist only predictable order and
In this story
of what is and how it happens,
most of
the form and order we encounter around us is an emergent property of
complexity that generates order in an emergent manner. The dynamics
associated with this phenomenon involve
many simultaneous and interdependent events. These can modify each
other in multiple ways in every instant of time through multiple layers
of feedback.
Thus it becomes impossible to identify or
narrate a linear sequence of causal relationships between them. So
complexity involves events that are not fully accessible to
quantification and calculation, thus not
predictable and not fully explainable in terms of the Laws of Physics.
Nonetheless, since the changes in ordering that thusly emerge can be
quantified as proportionally inconsistent, from one instant to
the next, we are confronted by factual descriptions of causal dynamics
that are empirically real yet do not conform to our existing
science-based assumptions about cause and effect. This evidence does
not have a valid status in our cultural narrative of reality.
The Autonomous Self-Organizing Networks of Complex Adaptive Systems
Such evidence is most confounding
in how demonstrates the emergence of self-organizing networks in
systems, enabling these to regulate and even adapt the forms and
operations of their systems. This self-regulation and adaptation arises
from flows of "feedback," arising from many interdependent
interactions, occurring
simultaneously among system parts in each moment of time, as well in
response to their external environment. Concurrent activities of system parts are transmitted
across multiple links between system parts, creating feedback that amplifies and alters their effects on each other. This on-going, ever fluctuating
interplay somehow generates a collective effect that
becomes the system's emergent operational network. It is this network of mutually modifying relationships that generates self-organizing system behaviors
Feedback networks as source of system self-organization
Interactions of system parts create mutually modifying relationships:

Such networks of
interdependent interactions are something more than what can be known about
the parts of the system and their individual properties. Yet it arises
from those parts and properties, then in turn
organizes, regulates, and adapts the overall operations of the
system--making it a "complex adaptive system." This operational
network is an emergent property of the system but functions with
autonomous agency to influence the on-going activity of the system,
either by maintaining its existing patterns of organization or altering
The emergence of adaptive network behavior:
network formation: The above diagram suggests how interdependent
within a system, as well as between its parts and an external
environment, self-organize to generate the emergence of complex
adaptive behavior. That behavior then influences the activities of the
system's parts from which it emerges, creating the reciprocal flow of
interdependent actions that constitute its autonomous network
operations. There is no sequence, no beginning, middle, and end to this
activity. It is a continual, fluctuating interpaly.
These collective phenomena involve information
processing and volitional agency in complex system networks that have
the traits of subjective autonomy and teleological intentionality: such
systems not only create and regulate their operations but also respond
to changes in their environments by adapting those operations to
promote system sustainability. The most tangible example is a human
person whose body-mind network self-regulates its internal operations
and behavior in response to its environment, including the networks of
other persons.
The on-going emergent interplay of a system and its network
A basic diagram of network autonomy emerging from
interdependent interactions that it then influences:
The Facts of Self-Animating Networks in Nature
These traits of complex systems are empirically verified by
measuring the objective causal
consequences of their autonomously self-organizing network operations--such as
the body's adaptive self-regulation. However, though such effects can
be calculated, the details of their causal processes remain
inaccessible. We can
perceive the systems from which they emerge and the effects their
emergence has on those systems, but not how they emerge.
Nor can we directly observe the dynamic networks that produce them from
moment to moment--these are effectively invisible. Note that physics
has recently provided quantum microscope photographs of the electron
orbits of single atoms. That seems like "making the invisible visible."
But when it comes to emergent autonomous system networks, there appears
to be "no thing" to photograph. How, after all, could one photograph
the simultaneously interdependent, thus mutually modifying interactions
of multiple system parts, much less their generation of network
information processing?
Consider that the emergent self-organization of a complex system is not
specifiable phenomenon but an “operational tendency” in the network of
interactions between the system's parts, that then influences its form
and activity. It
arises unpredictably under the dynamical conditions of complexity’s
interactivity—as synergistic relationships between system parts. These
collectively have the emergent capacity to process information and
initiate organized changes in system operations. That dynamical
condition is termed self-organizing criticality, in reference to a
system operating at a critical stage. In criticality, the preceding
organization of a system becomes less stable, facilitating a shift
to a different form of organization. A physical example of criticality
is the disorderly
configuration of water molecules as these are about to shift from a
liquid state to the solid one of ice. But in complex systems, a degree
of critical instability can be maintained or modulated over time as the
basis for the on-going self-organizing operations in the network of
relationships between its a parts. Aspects of critical instability or
disorder are crucial to on-going system self-organization and adaptive
Thus impetus toward
self-organization through disorderly criticality is imminent in the
interactive relationships of the
network operations in complex
systems. But it is not literally “of” the objectively quantifiable
parts or structure, from which it emergently emanates. It is "in" the
unpredictable changes of the network, which are the ways the dynamical
relationships among system parts influence each other. Thus it is
ephemeral, in
the sense that it is not entirely accessible to objective material
evaluation, as quantities of matter or energy.
Complex Network Autonomy is Scalable
ethereal impetus of emergent synergistic network interdependency not only gives specific
systems their
individuality--from particular persons to particular forests and
cities--it manifests from the collective interdependency of all natural
systems: the synergistic interdependencies of many complex systems
aggregate into the emergent self-organizing networks of much larger
ones. This emergent self-organization emerges from reciprocal system
interactions in a bottom-up fashion, then feeds back down through that entire
global network, creating an on-going flow of information that enables
its self-generating continuities.
The self-organizing operations of system networks
has been identified across a vast range of scale. In its simplest form,
it is seen in molecular structures that demonstrate the capacity to
self-assemble into specific structures. Some of these can re-assemble
their organization when disrupted. Some can replicate their structures.
This occurs at a more complex level in the replication of biological
cells. But it extends into ever larger scales, such as that of an
entire human body. The autonomously self-creating, self-organizing
operation of networks aggregates, through the reciprocal
interdependency of many complex systems. This scaling up of multiple
layers of interactive networks enables the emergence of
more and more complex meta-systems and networks. This is readily
illustrated by how individual persons form social networks that
interact to become larger and larger networks, each with its own traits
of network autonomy. The larger planetary level of this scale is the
self-regulating biosophere itself. Network autonomy is scalable,
through the
disorderly interdependence of many systems that interact both
competitively and cooperatively.
Differentiating Two Modes of Order Creation
In the most simplistic
terms, we are confronted with two different modes of order creation,
one proportionally consistent in a mechanistic sense, thus predictable,
and one that is proportionally inconsistent, thus unpredictable. The
first is comprehensible in the terms of causality provided by the Laws
of Physics: each dynamical event can be shown to cause the next in a
sequence or quantifiably proportional changes. But the second, the
synergistically emergent mode, does not demonstrate the progressively
consistent chain of cause and effect we associate with such causality.
Since the second cannot be explained in the mechanical terms of the
first, understanding it becomes most problematic. Nonetheless, evidence
for the existence of both compels us to make the attempt. One
fundamental way to differentiate the two is in terms of their dynamical
characteristics. The mechanistic mode can be represented as the
dependent causation of order and the synergistic mode as the
interdependent emergence of organization.
Standard order-creation of dependency
Each event has a predictable, proportional effect,
resulting in specifiable sequences of order:
Emergent order-creation of interdependency Concurrent interdependent interactions, that are not specifiable,
syngeristically produce disproportional, unpredictable order:
Despite this strange
contrast in how order is created, it does not appear to violate the
Laws of
Physics. Emergent order does not alter the properties of the matter and
energy involved. Rather, it unpredictably reconfigures the organization
of matter in ways that result in different formations. It is these new
orderings that manifest effects or properties for which no complete
basis can be specified in the preceding organization of the same
matter. Even when there is explicit information to guide the network's
operations, as in genetic encoding, it is the emergent system network
that organizes cellular system self-regulation and transformations.
The operational network of the complex system
of a developing embryo rearranges the material form or that system to
create new properties of its system, resulting in the emergence of
organs. Identical stem cells are transformed into various different
types of cells with very different properties that cannot be predicted
from the preceding configuration of that cell. Though there is encoded
information that guides such changes in the cells of the embryo, the
changes are induced by the overall system network of interactions,
which only comes into being as an emergent property of those
interactions, which it then regulates. The embryo is not a machine that
simply runs a pre-programed sequence. Each embryo generates an emergent
network that induces the subsequent transformations of its system in a
somewhat unique manner. It involves a element improvisation, testified
to the fact that it does not always produce the same results and
sometimes fails. Embryos tend to develop in similar ways, but the
changes involved are induced by emergent networks for which there is no
fully identifiable basis in the genetic coding that will predict the
properties and exact behavior of that network.
Thus some aspects of
emergence are not explainable in terms of those
predictably deterministic and fully calculable constraints on
causation associated with material physics. How then to make sense of
this evidence for
differing ways in which order is created? How to tell it as an
inclusive scientific story about how things are and come to be? The
familiar mode of order creation is constrained by the predictable
determinism of the Laws of Physics, which explains so much about the
material universe, and without which the unfamiliar one of emergence
could, presumably, not exist. Thus the latter mode presumably emerges
domain of physical cause and effect as its basis. In that view, when
matter and energy are engaged in the dynamical
conditions of
complexity, a further order creating effect emerges.
That is, the ordering derived from the
physical properties of matter,
when interacting through the mutually modifying interdependency of
complex dynamics, somehow produces self-organizing criticality. That
results in changes in organization that have new properties--properties
that are disproportional to and cannot be predicted from preceding
states of organization and
their properties. Emergence emerges from a basis in the predictable
causality of material physics through particular types of dynamical
relationships, which it then continues to sustain and regulate in an
emergent manner. Those on-going, sequentially inconsistent,
disproportional changes can result in
properties such as the autonomously self-organizing, intentionally
adaptive operations of complex systems.
The emergence of emergence
The ordering of physics as the basis for the emergence of complexity's
self-organizing criticality, thus innumerable emergent properties:
In so far as causality is
actually "what can happen," given the constraints which the Laws of
Physics impose upon the organization and thus the properties of matter
and energy, emergence must become possible as a consequence of certain
dynamical conditions--those of chaos and complexity. Complex dynamics
do not rearrange the micro-scale (meaning atomic and sub-atomic) ordering of matter, as defined by
physics. But they presumably generate additional
constraints on how matter gets organized into the forms of macro-scale entities,
since complexity results in forms and
functions not predictable by physics alone. There must be something
about interactive feedback,
between interconnected parts, that can generate constraints which make
possible changes in the
properties of an overall system--changes that material physics cannot anticipate
In this interpretation, an additional
mode of order creation is enabled by constraints that come into being
during the disorderly yet interdependent interactions among system
parts termed self-organizing criticality, which is a dynamical
condition that cannot be fully analyzed, sequenced, and explained in
causal terms. If that is accurate, then we obviously cannot
comprehend such order creation in the terms of sequentially
proportional, thus predictable events we are accustomed to use in
defining causality.
There is an intrinsic ambivalence in the unpredictably deterministic
order creation of complexity, for it is literally "ambi-valent" in
regard to the "deciding uncertainty" of its disorderly, yet
concurrently interdependent interactions. Given such an un-sequencable
condition, we are left to regard the causality of emergence as
involving a fundamental mystery--at
least to
our existing science-based cultural worldview.
Nonetheless, we can quantify the evidence of
its existence and mathematically model aspects of its discontinuous
dynamics. It vastly
increases the potential formation and organization of physically based
entities because the novelty of its emergent forms continually create
the basis for the emergence of further, even more complex forms--and
functions. In
this way, the potential variation of the properties of forms and
functions that can arise from physical matter becomes effectively
infinite--without evidently violating the Laws of Physics themselves. These
two modes of order creation, often distinguished as predictably
deterministic versus unpredictably deterministic, are also referred to
here as dependent verses interdependent dynamics.
Order Creating Mode 1
Predictably deterministic causal ordering of mechanical physics

Order Creating Mode 2
Unpredictably deterministic emergent ordering of chaotic dynamics

Unpredictably deterministic emergent, sustained self-ordering of complex dynamics

Unpredictably determinsitic, intentionally adaptive self-ordering of autonomous system networks
From Dependent Determinism to Interdependent Self-determinism:
1. Dependently deterministic ordering (mechanical physics)
2. Interdependently determined ordering (chaos)
3. Self-determining interdependent ordering (complexity)
4. Teleologically adaptive Self-determining interdependent ordering (complex adaptive systems)
5. Autonomously intentional self-determining ordering (complex system networks)
Conceiving a Bi-Dynamical Nature
However it got started, this
layering of different dynamical domains of
order creation, dependent and interdependent, that feed back into each
other, can be understood as a
by-dynamical continuum. The predictably dependent dynamics of physics
become engaged in the unpredictably interdependent ones of chaos and
complexity, resulting in self-organizing criticality, creating emergent
ordering capable of autonomous self-sustaining networks, which can
promote further interdependent activity in physical systems to produce
further chaos and complexity. Neither our selves nor
the world we inhabit can exist without this bi-dynamical interplay.
Thus one can regard the science of chaos, complexity, and complex
systems as revealing the bi-dynamical reality of order creation.
The interplay of dependent and interdependent dynamics
The Dependent Ordering
of Mechanistic Physics |
The Interdependent Ordering
of Emergent Complexity |
In non-technical terms, we can attempt
to understand this
strange contrast as between structural and anti-structural order
Familiar mechanistic causation results, with its predictably
proportionate sequences of changes, structures its effects in direct
relationship to its causes. The ordering of one moment determines that
of the next. In contrast,
emergent events produce
organization from relationships among factors whose simultaneous
interdependency is not identifiably structured, always partly
disorderly, and
disproportionately creative. This order creation is not random yet
derives from dynamical relationships that are not predictably
structured. It does indeed determine
the formation of order but not in a predictable or proportionally
consistent manner. Thus it can be considered to be in some sense
"anti-structural," in the
sense that its effects do not derive progressively from the structural
conditions which precede it. Again: scientific method confirms that
this happens by quantifying the disproportional changes that occur as a
result, thereby confirming that the structural pattern of order in one
instant does not fully determine that of the next instant.
The Logical Mystery of Emergent Network Order Creation
However, despite the science behind this logical
notion of differentiating network dynamics as dependently versus
interdependently creative, and the basic philosophical
perspective it suggests, we are left with a kind of void. There is no
conclusive empirical evidence to confirm logical speculation on just what
actually happens in the
in-between realm of interdependent dynamics and emergent order
creation. This limitation on how precise our understanding can be is
crucial to any realistic perspective on how things actually happen, and
thus how Nature acts to generate the biosphere.
Indeed, reasonable reflection upon what scientific method
can reveal about ordered forms emerging from chaotic dynamics and
the self-organizing networks of complexity's state of criticality,
readily prompts a sense of the miraculous. Firstly is the implication
that the predictably deterministic order creation of material physics is
the basis for the unpredictably deterministic order creation of complex
dynamics. Secondly, there is the conundrum of this unpredictably, thus
inexplicably emergent ordering to self-sustain its forms in a
self-similar manner over time through self-regulation, despite
perturbations--and even act willfully to adapt its forms and operations
for the purpose of maintaining the existence of the system from which
it emergently manifests.
From the perspective of material physics,
these are confounding
facts. Nonetheless, most of the forms and functions we are and surround
us have been shown to arise emergently. This appears illogical until
once closely contemplates the differences in linear and nonlinear
dynamics, in orderly order creation versus the disorderly conditions of
self-organizing criticality. If the latter dynamics are creating order,
then it would logically have an inconsistent and unpredictable
character, whose identifiable patterns--arising as these do from
instability--could not be exact reiterations
but only self-similar variations over time. This disorderly source of
order can be considered the "play" of Nature, meaning that the creation
of more complex forms requires a "looseness," a "latitude" of
That being the case, then the very existence of the order we are
and inhabit, deriving from such dynamics, is logically mysterious. It
can come into being, and be sustained, only through dynamical
conditions that are inscrutable to our methods of precise quantification
and calculation. To exist, it must be mysterious to a mechanistically
causal explanation of events and transformations. The point here is,
that though such a conclusion is deeply dissatisfying to our
physics-based, pragmatically control-oriented worldview, it has not only an empirical basis but a
reasonable one as well--despite the frustration this poses for a strictly rational view of reality.
This reasonable mystery of
emergence can best be understood in terms of transformative
metamorphosis. Emergence in complex
dynamics is the change of one form or function into a distinctly
different form or function in an unpredictably disproportionate, nonlinear, but not accidental manner.
The properties of the changed form or function cannot be found in or
logically derived from the preceding status. There is a kind of "leap."
The properties of form and
function in a butterfly are not found in the caterpillar from
which it
metamorphically emerges. Though there is genetic data in the
meta-system of the caterpillar to guide the transformation, it is the
interdependency of
the system's emergent network that actually generates the
metamorphosis. This emergent metamorphosis is intrinsic to the network
operation of human minds. Complex dynamics in neurological operations
of the physical brain enable the metamorphic emergence of the mental
system and its autonomous network that in turn influences the
self-organization of the physical brain.
Autonomous Networks as Spiritual Animation
From the above, we must conclude that, as an objectively reductive method of investigation
and knowledge creation, scientific study has provided factual evidence
that complexity's nonlinear, interdependent dynamics generate the
un-objectifiable events of emergent order creation and the network
autonomy of complex systems. Further, since emergent system networks
self-organize in ways that adapt their systems for continued
sustainability in response to changes in their environments, they must
in some way be aware of
their own operations and act to regulate these. That constitutes some
form of subjectivity, as some degree of self-awareness as an entity
that exits independently of other entities, which enables it to act
intentionally to promote its existence.
In this respect, complex system
networks manifest autonomy and volition that constitute self-creation
or self-animation. As this subjective operation of network self-awareness enables
self-organizing, self-maintianing, self-adaptive operations, it is
self-animating its system.
Without the autonomous self-organizations of their networks, complex
adaptive systems could not "do what they do"--they would not be
animated in the ways that they are. This self-animating
occurs not only in the systems of biological bodies but in systems that
are not distinct organisms with central
nervous systems, such as ecologies and
biosphere is a meta-network of radically interdependent, mutually
sustaining, emergently self-organizing, thus mutually self-animating networks
that collectively constitute a de facto living organism. It is a networked
“subjective creature of subjective creatures,” whose capacity
for both self-sustained relative continuity and adaptive change is
astonishing. Yet, most importantly, these interdependent networks of
autonomously self-animating systems have also been shown to be
surprisingly vulnerable to the non-reciprocal
behaviors of industrialized human systems. Nature is not “mere
machinery” that we can manipulate and control technologically as we
please—at least not without disabling the self-regulating autonomy of
non-human systems and thereby the biosphere upon which we depend.
This is indeed a new scientific story of
Nature, a radical break with all those of modernity that have proceeded
it. It presents us with new knowledge that is essential to our
understanding of our selves and the world. But it also presents us with
the task of being logical about what appears to be illogical.
The New Scientific Story of Spiritually Animating Networks as Cultural Crisis
Is this for real?! As real as it gets when you
get your reality from scientific method. But that does not make it
comprehensible, much less acceptable to our existing cultural worldview
and its normative definition of reality. How
is rational thought, founded upon logical progressions of
reasoning and sequentially proportional cause and effect, to make sense
of order emerging unpredictably from disorder--from "out of no
where"--and then acting autonomously to sustain and adapt itself? How
are we to be reasonable about a reality that is irrational?
At the psychological base
of our resistance to the implications of this evidence is our human
nature: humans are control freaks. We evolved to adapt and survive by
consciously manipulating our environments. From hunting and gathering
to agriculture and industrial civilization, we are a techno-logical
species. As modern humans, we have taken this mentality to its extreme,
assuming that we can, will, and should control all aspects of Nature. We reflexively think in terms
of control to the point that we are attempting to genetically engineer
biological and create machine-based artificial intelligence.
Predictability and control are foundational to our ideology. Thus there
is great resistance to evidence for unpredictably emergent causation
and self-animating network autonomy in complex systems. The thought
that complex system autonomy makes them both un-controllable and likely
to react to the pressures our behavior places upon them with
unpredictable changes is devastating or our worldview. Its shows that
we are not only deluded about reality but in danger of devastating the
biosphere on which we depend.
Nonetheless, as more and more scientists
are beginning to confront, this evidence conflicts with our normative
causal narrative of strictly physics-based science on the methodological basis of that science. It constitutes a
crisis for our modernist worldview based in the latter, which cannot
incorporate unpredictably emergent, disproportional causation into its prevailing assumptions. To be
genuinely scientific, it appears we must
now reconfigure our story of what is and how it
happens. We must re-conceive our human selves as constituting but one
autonomous network among
many, the sustainability of each depending upon the reciprocally self-organizing
interdependency of all.
However, our existing cultural worldview,
despite its references to physics-based deterministic causality, does not
generate a genuinely scientific society. We often subordinate even the evidence of physics to
its own
social purposes—a fact
testified to by the fanatic resistance to the physical science of
global climate change and its dire implications. Reigning social and
economic hierarchies of privilege and power, along with our consumer
life styles, are more important to us
than the facts of science. If we cannot adjust our behaviors to the
evidence of our self-destructive impact on the biosphere provided by
mechanistic science, how will we address the science of emergent causation and autonomously self-animating networks?
This predicament is further compounded by indications that autonomous networks manifest a
subjectivity of self awareness that enables them to act with
teleologically purpose even when composed as non-living systems such as
economies–causing them to “act as if alive. Evidence
for this phenomena is not only inconsistent with physics' deterministic
rules for causation, it raises the dreaded notion of spirituality that
modern science is assumed to have invalidated. It appears
scientific method has provided
evidence for the limits of its capacity to describe and explain all
phenomena in its mechanistic terms. In so far as we have reached the limits of
rational understanding, we require some additional means of
appreciating this fundamentally new empirical knowledge--for which
there is a precedent.
A Mytho-Logical Science
The evidence for ethereal agency resembles the mythological motifs of
spirit, soul, and divine agency used to represent
intentionally which animates the forms and order of the world. That
concept was the
basis of the mythological worldview’s notion of the sacred, being
that aspect of reality that creates the cosmos by influencing the
organization of all forms and events. Like scientific descriptions of emergent causation
in complex systems, mythic narratives progress by inconsistent events
or magical actions and these tend to derive from the autonomous agency
of spirits or gods. Thus myth narrates events in ways that model that
scientific method now factually describes.
In light of that evidence, mythic notions can
be regarded as dynamical metaphors which refer to emergent causation
network autonomy in natural systems. That view allows us to regard
mythical symbolism, with its magical actions and spiritual forces,
as an imaginal intuition of the strange causal phenomena now represented by the new scientific evidence.
The science of mytho-logical symbolism
Emergent autonomous networks animate the world like spirits and gods:
this interpretation is accurate, the science has not only betrayed the
modernist cultural worldview supposedly based upon it, but has given
empirical validation to the archaic worldview modernity had presumably
vanquished. Where myth was once classified as the "bad science" of
pre-modern attempts to explain Naurte, it now looks more like the
symbolic version of our new science of chaos and complexity. So the new
story becomes even more confounding.
We must bear in mind that
science as method is not atheistic, it is agnostic--it posits not
belief about the existence or non-existence of spiritual animation. It
poses no dogma
about what can be, it only seeks to factually objectify what its
objective methodology can validate about what is.
This is not the first time the story of
science has undergone profound change. But it is the first time that
story has directed our worldview back toward the mythological animism
of our pre-modern ancestors. As such, it renders our existence far
more potentially mysterious and emotionally meaningful than does belief
in a predictably mechanistic world without subjective purpose. However, though this scientific story does provide evidence for mysteriously emergent self-animating subjectivity or
“creaturely-ness” that pervades Nature, it
does not confirm religious belief in literalized
gods that intentionally control the world. Indeed, the latter version
of spirituality is contradicted by the science in at least two regards.
Firstly, emergent network self-animation is
shown to arise, from the significantly disordered conditions of
complexity, as a moment to moment improvisation of interpreting and
responding to simultaneously interdependent events. Network
autonomy cannot simply "proceed consistently according to plan" because
must it organize its system in response to continually unpredictable
variations occurring both inside and outside the system. And, since
systems are inevitably networked with other systems, despite their
differing behaviors, like animals and plants in a forest, their
interdependence is the basis for emergence of a meta-level
self-organizing network that regulates their collective operations
without directly controlling them. Individual network autonomy somehow
gives rise to meta-network autonomy from the bottom up, not the top
down. Thus its higher levels cannot exist without its lower ones.
This trait makes the notion of a command-and-control deity
Secondly, these activities prove to be, by their very
character, beyond exact description, definition, and explanation. We
can know that they happen, even measure many of their effects, but not
exactly how these occur. Thus, though there is evidence for their
existence, that evidence precludes interpreting them other than
metaphorically. Significantly, many spiritual cultural traditions,
despite their behaviors that appear to regard their divinities as real,
involve an admonishment to the effect that, "the divine is ultimately
beyond description and definition"--indicating an awareness the their
mythic symbols are useful dynamical metaphors for mysterious
causation and intentionality at work in Nature.
It appears that we do indeed live in, and as, the mythical mystery of spiritually
self-animating networks, whether we like it or not.
NOTE: For more specific technical information on the new science click the link below:
Link to References Page
Additional example of network autonomy's problematic implications for current scientific theory:
An example of the profound
implications posed by autonomous agency in complex system networks is
its likely role in species evolution. If the complex systems of plants
and animals, both as individuals and collective populations, are
regulating and adapting their interactions with each other and their
environments through this volitional network capacity, then
intentionally is altering their behavior, which is altering their
environments, which influences the conditions that act upon them
through the process of natural selection. Though evolutionary change
relies upon genetic mutations, the selection of those mutations is
imposed by the environment. That means that autonomous network agency
plays a profound role in how a species evolves by selectively
configuring its system operations, such as when wolves choose
particular hunting techniques that in turn influence environmental
forces that in turn exert selective pressures the evolution of the
wolves. In this view, network autonomy acting on many levels, from
individuals to species to the networks of entire ecosystems is
profoundly influencing evolution However, the dominant theory of
evolution holds it to be an arbitrary process in which random gene
mutation creates the variety for natural selection to occur by
environmental pressures without any directedness or intentionality.