Discover the Reality of
Scientific Mythology
The Facts of Self-Animating Networks in Nature and a New, Realistic Role for the Mythic Imagination
Coming to Terms with a Mythical Science
The concepts explored on this website
a profound deficit in our cultural view of reality. The new science
summarized here poses a philosophical
understanding of "how the world actually works" very different from that of
contemporary society. Though it is presented here in relation to the
seemingly arcane subject of mythology, it has similar correlations with
other subjects and ways of knowing. This website is but one example of
how this new science can be incorporated into a broader cultural
discourse. Most importantly, scientists at the forefront of this new
understanding are admitting its dramatic reversal of
our mechanistic belief system (as you will see on the References Page of
this site). The spell cast by reductive simplification over modernity
has been fragmenting for decades. But now, the critiques of it arising
in non-scientific disciplines have a firm empirical basis. It is time
to come to terms with the bi-dynamical order creation of complexity and
its generation of autonomously willful networks.
origins of this present work stretch back 40 years to my initial
interests in
literature and art as valid representations of reality.
That led to studies of mythology and ritual practices in relation to
depth psychology. During my dissertation work I unexpectedly found
connections between the mythological worldview and a similarly strange
one emerging
from scientific research on deterministic chaos and
self-organizing complexity in natural systems. In the intervening
years, my efforts to elaborate these connections have been facilitated
by on-going developments in the science. With that ever-expanding empirical basis, the
concepts and practices of a Scientific Mythology have at last taken
shape. This confluence of mythic symbolism and science make it possible
to promote both modes of knowing in complimentary ways. The
implications of such an unexpected conjunction are staggering. They
extend to all
knowledge fields and how we teach them. Coming to terms with this new
mythical science has the potential to prompt radical changes in
our contemporary cultural worldview--changes that are essential to creating sustainable societies, and thus to our
very survival.
Engage with Me
I am available for lecture presentations and
workshops on this material, as well as consultations with those who wish to incorporate this
methodology in their own teaching or social activism. I am actively seeking
collaborators in this work, particularly those with backgrounds in the
relevant science and those addressing the consequences of catastrophic climate change. Please feel
invited to contact me with feedback or requests for appearances.
Materials on this website are available for use by request only.
Leslie Emery PhD
email: leslie(dot)
> Email Link <
